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Guardians' Legacy (Unity)

A true test of skill

On this project I was the lead designer. We were in development for a full year and I worked with so many amazing people to create this game. This is a linear RPG game where the player gets to create their own skins and use them not only in combat but also to traverse the over world. I worked with the other designers as well as my lead to create the node system and give it life. I also spent a lot of time in editor getting all the art implemented as well as level design for the castle and hub town.

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Project Elephants

A different goal

I had an amazing time working on Project Elephants with Junior Achievement. The goal of this game was to create something for JA that they could put in schools to teach high schoolers something about financial literacy. I was a designer on the team and joined mid development so I needed to be quick on my feet and learn where I needed to be and how I could help achieve this goal.

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The Eternal Vanguard (RPG Maker)

So you want to hear a story?

The Eternal Vanguard is one of my passion projects and something I created in RPG Maker MV. I spent months working on combat numbers, skills/magic, story points, and so on with one goal in mind: to tell a story. I worked alone on this project and after weeks and weeks of feedback and debate and writing I made something that I am super proud of and something that shows my ability to create a story and narrative as well as some cool features.

Projects: Bio

Infinite Perception (Shadowrun)

My limits give me strength

I have always been interested in the Shadowrun editor as someone who has played both the games and the tabletop version. I set out with a goal to try and create a level that uses every element I could. As a runner, your stats matter, your equipment matters, and how you play matters. There are rewards for playing certain styles and only things some runners can accomplish. Learning this editor was a ton of fun and a lot of growing pains too.

Projects: Bio

WackyBossFight (Unreal)

But they do not define me

Now we have an Unreal project that a few friends and I were working on. We wanted to create a game with some wacky physics and what better way to show it off than with a boss fighting game. We split the load, and all started to work. I spent my time creating a blueprint so that the player can wall run and slide and move freely in the game. Ultimately, we didn’t finish the project but what we got done was rather interesting and it was a learning experience.

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